Coffee of the Week: Eulises Guzman - Pink Bourbon, Colombia

Coffee of the Week: Eulises Guzman - Pink Bourbon, Colombia

It's not often that we come across a coffee like this one.  Eulises Guzman is a coffee producer outside the city of La Plata in the Huila department of Colombia. ...
Steve Ford
Coffee of the Week: Conscientious Objector

Coffee of the Week: Conscientious Objector

Coscientious Objector, our blend of certified organic coffees from Colombia, Mexico and Ethiopia, will be served in all of our stores this week!  We like to think of "Consc" (as...
Coffee of the Week: Bauhaus

Coffee of the Week: Bauhaus

Bauhaus, the darkest coffee in our year-round line-up, will be featured as our coffee of the week in all Highwire locations starting this coming Monday. With Bauhaus, we have embraced our...
Steve Ford