Huye Mountain Washed, Rwanda 12oz bag

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For the past several years, Highwire has proudly featured coffees from Rwanda's Huye Mountain. This year we pivot to our first ever washed offering from David Rubanzangabo's celebrated washing station.  What stands out about this coffee is the clarity of flavor: bright, with notes of orange, apricot, and honey.

Rwanda is a tiny, tiny country. It's about the size of Maryland.  But that tiny size doesn't account for the geography.  Rwanda is known as The Land of 1000 Hills, and that's not a joke.  Even the capitol city of Kigali is spread over very hilly terrain.  Though never a massive producer of coffee, in the early 90s, the country was exporting more than 600000 bags of coffee, most of it relatively low quality because the terrain made transportation from farms to processing stations incredibly difficult. The 1994 Rwanda Genocide threw the country into upheaval and by volume, the coffee sector never completely recovered.

After the Genocide, money poured into the country to help with relief efforts.  The coffee sector in particular was granted funds to try and rebuild the rural agricultural sector.  This has translated into incredible opportunities for enterprising Rwandans like Epiphanie Mukashyaka of Bufcafe (coffee from her washing stations were a component in 2021's Celebration) and for people like David Rubanzangabo, who founded the Huye Mountain coffee washing station in 2011.

Mr. Rubanzangabo was an agronomist attached to two USAID programs called PEARL (Partnership for Enhancing Agriculture in Rwanda through Linkages) and SPREAD (Sustaining Partnerships to Enhance Rural Enterprise and Agribusiness Development), which were lead by an guy named Dr. Tim Schilling (Read more about these programs here.) These programs were essential to getting Rwanda coffee sector rebooted by training coffee producers and by building dozens of washing stations for coffees directly in the communities that they bought from.

In 2010, as the SPREAD program was wrapping up, Mr. Rubanzangabo started his own farm and washing station with a particular emphasis on quality, as he had spent the previous years proselytizing about coffee quality to producers in the SPREAD project.  He started small, but quickly grew as nearby coffee producers (many of whom he had trained) started to bring him more and more coffee cherry. Over the years, production has grown and now Huye Mountains buys coffee cherry from over 1300 producers. It's mostly the coveted Bourbon variety and it's produced anywhere from 1600 to 2200 meters.